Friday, May 27, 2011

What's Going On?

Well, it has been a few days since I last blogged. I CANNOT believe that it is finally summer break!!! I am so excited about being able to stay home all summer and just play with my kids! We are going to visit the grandparents and we have a few things in mind, but most of the summer is PLANLESS! That is a wonderful thing! I just want to be around my family and just hang out... Here are a few pics that I have taken lately...

Jon-Mical was given some binoculars and this is how he watches tv now... :)

Mike and I have started running again. We ran a 5K (all I can do right now...) at The Avenue the other day...

Jakson is really holding his head up well all of the sudden! Such a cutie!!!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Well, we have a first...

Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a first... Let me start from the beginning... Last night we are all sitting in the living room. Jon-Mical says that he has to pee. He goes into the bathroom and does his thing and then two or three minutes later he walks back into the living room and sits down. Josh and I happen to look up at him at the same time and we see that his cheeks have some kind of blank gunk smeared all over them. The black gunk is also all over his fingers and shirt. I immediately ask Jon-Mical what was all over his face. (Let me preface this story by saying that I asked him with a very nice, almost laughy tone... at first...) I say, "Jon-Mical, what is all over your face?" He looks RIGHT INTO MY EYES and says, "Nothing." I look at Josh and then look right back at Jon-Mical and ask him again... he answers, "Nothing." At this point I scoop him up and carry him into the bathroom, set him on the counter, point his face toward the mirror and point to the black on his cheek... (I immediately assumed that SURELY he just didn't understand my questions before...) So, with my finger pointing to his cheek, I ask again. "Jon-Mical, what is this black stuff all over your face?" He says (looking DIRECTLY at the black stuff), "Nothing." I then say, "So, you don't see any black stuff on your face?" He looks and then, AGAIN, looks me right in the eyes and says, "No." WHAT?!?!? Josh and I look at each other with looks of absolute shock! Is our child actually lying right to our faces!?!? Surely not!?!? We then ask him probably ten more times and he lies ten more times... wow! This is a first! Our sweet, perfect, innocent three year old just looked into our faces... the faces of the two people in the world that love him the most and would do anything for him... and LIED to us! I immediately took out my phone and took a picture of his face and sent it to my parents and to Josh's parents... I should have seen this coming... about TEN seconds later my dad calls and I can hear the excitement in his voice as he says, "Ha! This won't be the last time either!" I must have lied to him a few times, and I honestly believe that he has been just sitting back and waiting until he could make that phone call! :) 

Well, needless to say, while I was busy taking pictures of Jon-Mical's face and texting them to our families, Josh administered a pretty hard spanking... probably the hardest one that Jon-Mical has received to-date... I am guessing that it worked (for now, right dad?) because Jon-Mical ran around all day today saying, "I have to tell the truth!" over and over again... 

Round one: Parents 1 - Kid 0

Thursday, May 12, 2011

11 Days...

Well, I left for work this morning in a funk... Jon-Mical actually woke up before I left, which is rare. He came into our bedroom and climbed up into our bed and scooted his little self down under the covers. Josh was in the shower and I was in the closet picking out clothes. When I came out of the closet his first question to me was, "Mommy, will you get back in bed and snuggle with me?" It KILLS me when he asks me that when I have to go to work! I HATE telling him that I can't! I HATE telling him that he has to wait until Saturday morning to snuggle with his mother and watch morning cartoons. How do you explain to a 3 year old that I don't WANT to go to work.... that I would give ANYTHING to crawl right back into bed and snuggle with him all day, but I HAVE to go to work. I have tried saying that. I try saying, "Honey, I would LOVE to snuggle with you, but I have to go to work." Jon-Mical always says, "No, you don't! You have to snuggle with me!" Uuuggghhhh!!!! Oh well, ELEVEN more days of school and then a summer of snuggling! Whoop whoop!

On another note... Jakson now loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and America's Funniest Videos!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mother's Day to Me!

Well, I could NOT have had a better Mother's Day weekend! We started the weekend off with a visit from Ben, Carra, and Luke. Wow! I think I have the cutest nephew in the world!!! He is so sweet and I hate it that I can't see him all the time!

Ben and Carra came in to town to spend time with us, but they also came because I planned a Surprise 30th Birthday Party for Josh. We went to Arrington Vineyards with all of our closest friends and we had a GREAT time! Wow! It could not have been a better night! Great friends and great conversation!

And then Mother's Day! I have the two most wonderful children! They honestly make every day feel like Mother's Day! Josh isn't too bad himself! We had a great lunch at MiMi's house. Here are some pictures of my wonderful children! :)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Happy Birthday, Love!

Steven Tyler's new Memoir has a great first couple of lines... He says,
"'Life is short. Break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that makes you smile.' When the roaring flames of your heart have burned down to embers, may you find that you have married your best friend." Well, that makes me happy because when the flames do die down, I know that I will have my best friend for the rest of my life by my side! He is absolutely perfect for me! He is my other half and, I KNOW that he is a gift from God just for me! I am so thankful for him!
Josh turned 30 today! Thank God for that! I am 31 and am sick of hearing about me being in my 30's and him still in his 20's! Whew! But I just wanted to say Happy Birthday to my absolute Best Friend! Here are some pics...

Monday, May 2, 2011


Today was Jon-Mical's last day at preschool! He is enrolled at First United Methodist Preschool for next year, so today was kind of a sad day! We have loved Belle Aire Baptist! Jon-Mical loved it there and was loved... Here are a few pictures of his Spring Concert and his Easter Party and egg hunt!