Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Just chugging along...

Well, I wish I had a ton of interesting things to blog about but life if pretty normal these days! Josh is teaching away and loving every minute of it. (Ha!) I am working on many things at work... Prom, Senior Thesis, College Corner, College Fair, Career Fair, etc. I stay very busy and that is good. The days FLY by! Jon-Mical is still in school and loves it! We actually have his first Parent-Teacher Conference this afternoon! I am excited and nervous about what the teacher is going to say. I am pretty sure that he is doing fine. We have never had any bad reports and she compliments JM a lot, but you never REALLY know how your child acts when you are not around! You know? I guess we'll see today!

Jakson is, of course, changing and growing like crazy! He is now scooting across the floor. Every now and then he gets up on his hands and knees... but then promptly plops right back down and starts scooting. It's pretty cute! It is funny, though, how different we act with our 2nd child. I can remember working with Jon-Mical every day when he was Jakson's age. We wanted him to scoot so badly... then crawl so badly... then walk so badly... then talk so badly... We were always ready and excited about that next phase. It is not like we are not excited about Jakson's phases. We love all of the changes... but I just think, "they'll happen when they happen." Josh and I also recently realized that we have about 1/100 of the amount of pictures and videos of Jakson that we do of Jon-Mical at his age... I am already dreading the day when Jakson asks where all the videos of him are and I have to tell him that I am so sorry that I dropped our video camera in a huge puddle and lost all of them! ;) Maybe I'll say that he was such a cute baby that someone stole our video camera so that they could watch videos of him all the time... or maybe Jon-Mical was a jealous big brother and deleted all of the Jakson videos off of the computer... I'll have to think more on that future lie. Maybe Jakson will be at an age where I can tell him what actually happened, that his parents got really busy with life and raising two children and the picture-taking and videoing got moved to the back burner, and then I'll hand him twenty bucks and he'll be happy... hmmm....

Anyway, Jon-Mical's T-Ball season is over. That was SO MUCH FUN! Once I chilled out, stopped keeping up with Jon-Mical's stats, and started laughing along with the other parents the games were a blast! Jon-Mical ended the season asking if he can play next year, so I guess the season was a success! BUT all the people that told me that 3 is too young to play t-ball were RIGHT! Wow! It was a hot mess!

Halloween is just around the corner. Jon-Mical has been talking about being a pirate for weeks and then last night he told me that he has changed his mind and that he wants to be Superman! To my knowledge, he has never even seen a show, cartoon, movie, or book about Superman, so I have no idea where this one came from. I hope that he goes back to his original plan, but we will see!

Here are some cute pics: I took Jon-Mical and Jakson to the playground the other day...

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